Wednesday, February 24, 2010

"Who's that little old man?"

A recent viewing of A Hard Day's Night inspired the profile (so to speak) that follows. As the movie was playing in my room, igniting the screen like it is wont to do, I took down some notes about this and that, often highlighting what I considered the best of a certain category. As you'll see, there wasn't much of a method to the enterprise. Regardless of how whimsical a thought was, if it came to me, it went on paper. And now they're all below.

As found in A Hard Day's Night...

- Best disguise: Paul's fake mustache
- Best line from John that references an animal: "You're a swine."
- Best line from Paul regarding his grandfather: "He's a king mixer."
- Most comely actress with a slight gap in her front teeth: Pattie Boyd
- Most entertaining dancer: Ringo
- Best fake naval war scene: John in the hotel bathtub
- Best collection of scenes: The media Q&A session at the party (it's really quite funny).
- Best turn-of-phrase: "smoke screen of bourgeois cliches" (Ringo)
- Best smile: Ringo's
- Best role: Paul's grandfather (Wilfrid Brambell)
- Most humorously insightful scene: George's back-and-forth with the testy fashion/TV executive
- Most overplayed joke: Those about Ringo's inferiority
- Best monosyllabic line from Paul: "Zap" (it's all in the delivery).
- Line that rings truest: "And where would they be without the steady support of your drum beat?" (Paul's grandfather to Ringo)
- Worst article of clothing: The director's gaudy sweater
- Best line said to a police officer: "You have sadism stamped all over your bloated British kisser." (Paul's grandfather)
- Best camera shot: The one from behind the Beatles as they play "Tell Me Why" onstage
- Best song: "She Loves You"

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