Monday, June 22, 2009


Here's a link to the podcast that my old cohort Christian Schneider so generously put together. As he notes on his blog, we mainly chatted about songs that we deem to be among The Beatles' most underappreciated ("It Won't Be Long," "No Reply," "Two of Us," etc.). We also touched on the digitally remastered Fab albums coming out in September, the thesis of How The Beatles Destroyed Rock 'N' Roll, and (naturally) Justin Timberlake. Overall, it was a terrific time and, happily, listening to the actual podcast didn't bring on too many winces (that is, in response to my own performance; Chris is very natural in his role as the discussion facilitator). Anyways, thanks once again to Chris, and I hope you enjoy.

Two corrections - 1) "Eight Days a Week" is one song off of Beatles For Sale that is on their greatest hits-type collections. 2) I believe I stated that The Beatles included Motown covers on their second and third albums. A Hard Day's Night was their third album, and it was in fact their first release with all original material. I regret the errors.

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