Friday, August 20, 2010

Do yourself a favor...

... and listen to this terrific installment of the "Great Lives" series on BBC Radio 4 about John Lennon. It features British journalist and critic John Harris, who was the one to nominate Lennon, and Barry Miles, who plays the role of the "expert witness." I'll offer more comments about it later today; for the moment, suffice it to say that I very much appreciate the kind of critical admiration Harris has for John. I'd like to think it's the way I approach The Beatles in general.

Here's a review of the program.

But the awareness of flaws or less brilliant output didn't weaken Harris's admiration – in fact, it was at its core. Lennon represents irreverence, mischief and a challenge to hierarchies that had stifled Britain, he said, but his real appeal is that he is "as full of uncertainty and doubt about the ultimate meaning of everything as the rest of us".

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